Is Houseparty OK for my kids?

Is Houseparty OK for my kids?

Imagine one of those cliché American teenage movies. You know the one where the teen’s parents go out of town and he decided to throw a party in their absence? He invites a few close friends and those friends invite their friends. What started as a small get together...
Get bored, get busy

Get bored, get busy

Last week I did something really weird. It was so strange, in fact, that every couple of minutes I had strangers stopping in their tracks to ask if I needed help and whether I was ok. What was this strange, counter-cultural behavior I was engaged in? Well, shocking as...
This is not me

This is not me

I have to admit I am a bit of a nerd. I love to learn. I always have. And as a result I love great teachers. At the moment my absolute favourite teacher is a guy named John Mark Comer. He lives in Portland, US but because of the awesome invention of podcasts I get to...

Book a Talk

With Christy Herselman

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