The Chat Blog
Covering interesting and important topics for parents and children.

I have three questions
I love getting up early, usually around 5am. I love the silence of the house, still wrapped in sleep. I use the three quarters of an hour before waking the kids to have a good coffee, pray for the day ahead and to make school lunches. It’s a time sacred time for me, a...

So you’ve got your first phone – advice from teens who’ve been there
In my research, I like to consult the experts. And often the experts are those who have been there and done that. Parents, none of us know what it’s like to be 11 or 12 and get our own phone. Even having a phone in your room was only something we saw on American...

Should I read my child’s texts?
I asked this question on my social media platforms a few weeks ago. The answer from parents was a unanimous “Yes!” I have since done some more reading on the topic – both for and against – and realized it is a somewhat complex issue. And one that can do more harm than...

Is Houseparty OK for my kids?
Imagine one of those cliché American teenage movies. You know the one where the teen’s parents go out of town and he decided to throw a party in their absence? He invites a few close friends and those friends invite their friends. What started as a small get together...

5 ways to raise porn-resistant kids
It’s lockdown. Our kids’ screen time is way up. Supervision of screens is way down as parents try to juggle work, making meals, cleaning our homes, managing online or home schooling all while trying to make sense of the world and find a new normal. Teens, craving...

(Digital) hope for the holidays – 5 great tips for parents
School’s out and it’s time for some fun! If you are anything like me that means long days on the beach, lazy lunches with friends and loads of family time in the pool. But sometimes our kids’ version of fun can be completely different. Sure they enjoy hanging out with...

What is the right age for The Chat?
Almost exactly four years ago, before The Chat existed, I was at the 7thbirthday party of one of my daughter’s best friends. As the party was winding up, a few of us moms stood around chatting. During the conversations one of the ladies startled us with the question:...

Get bored, get busy
Last week I did something really weird. It was so strange, in fact, that every couple of minutes I had strangers stopping in their tracks to ask if I needed help and whether I was ok. What was this strange, counter-cultural behavior I was engaged in? Well, shocking as...

This is not me
I have to admit I am a bit of a nerd. I love to learn. I always have. And as a result I love great teachers. At the moment my absolute favourite teacher is a guy named John Mark Comer. He lives in Portland, US but because of the awesome invention of podcasts I get to...